Amazing workers and people are central to Te Rau Ora – the magic is aroha! Wishing Te Rau Ora Happy 20th
Zack Makoare (Ngāti Kahungunu me Ngāti Porou)
Te Taiwhenua o Tamatea Deputy Chairman. Māori Suicide Prevention Leader.
What key issues has Te Rau Matatini/Te Rau Ora addressed?
- Supporting community groups like Te Taitimu Trust doing on the ground mahi with our Whanau.
- Challenging the system that hasn’t worked for 35 plus years for Maori Mental health especially Suicide prevention (Maori Lens was the solution).
What would you say has been the greatest accomplishments for Te Rau Ora?
- A community influence was the best work done with Te Rau Ora/ Matatini the voice of our people
Wishing Te Rau Ora a Happy 20th
- Amazing workers and people are central to Te Rau Ora 20th birthday
- the magic is Aroha.