Reclaiming our past to unlock the future

He Whare Wahine is newly established to deliberately focus on Wahine and Kotiro Māori, and to restore their status through a workforce that honours and values Oranga wahine, Mana wahine and Rangatira wahine. The team of Wahine Māori are committed to restoring the status and mana of Wahine Māori as endowed at Kurawaka.

The goal is to foster and promote environments that enable Wahine Māori to reclaim their divine right to their whakapapa, mātauranga and their place in history. This means we centre wahine Māori within the greater nucleus of the whānau, the nurturer, the carer, and the leader. A place is offered for daughters’, mothers’, sisters’, and grandmothers’ natural native intellect to be heard – a wānanga. Within the space of wānanga courageous conversations are invited, sheltered, and honoured. Wāhine Māori are enlivened through the wānanga process which validates and honours their journeys.

For more information on He Whare Wahine visit our website