Celebrating Māori Workforces Responding to COVID-19

In December 2021, Te Rau Ora launched Ngā Mihi – an online campaign focused on Aroha for our front-line and essential workforces.

Since its launch, the campaign has reached a combined audience of 336,000 people through partnerships with Māori Media, Māori Radio Stations and Social Media. The campaign has received and shared over 1,500 messages from whānau – all expressing their Aroha for our Providers, Workforces and Communities.

New campaigns, competitions and events will continue in the coming months in recognition of the work being led by Māori providers during this global pandemic. The next range of competitions and promotions to support Māori Business affected by COVID-19.

We invite everyone to be a part of “Sharing the Aroha” by visiting the Ngā Mihi website.

For more information visit www.ngamihi.com